Griechische Realsatire

Die lieben Massenmedien zeigen uns dieser Tage wieder, wo ihre politische Gesinnung zu verorten ist. Jeder der links ist, sich für die Bevölkerung einsetzen, eine gerechtere Eigentumsverteilung und Reiche stärker besteuern will, ist ein radikaler Spinner. Politiker haben gefälligst dem internationalen Finanzkapital, den Konzernen und Banken zu dienen. Das euphemistische »Sparprogramm«, welche die EU Griechenland auferlegt hat, ist auch nichts anderes als ein radikales Kürzungsdiktat, dass tausende Griechen in die Arbeitslosigkeit und in die Armut treiben wird. Griechische Politiker, die sich dagegen wehren wollen darf es aber nicht geben:

SpiegelOnline: »Entsetzen über linken Wahlgewinner«

FAZ: »Griechische Linke feuert Breitseite gegen Europa ab«

Frankfurter Rundschau: »Griechenland-Wahl verunsichert Finanzmärkte«

Handelsblatt: »Radikale Linke versucht sich an der Regierungsbildung«

BILD: »Wird Linksradikaler neuer Griechen-Chef?«

11 Gedanken zu “Griechische Realsatire

  1. Ich frage mich wer entsetzt ist? Ich bin es nicht und die meisten Deutschen dürften es auch erst nach dem Lesen der meinungsbildenden Presse sein. Auch das die Linken die Finanzmärkte verunsichern sollte faktisch jedem egal sein. Ob der DAX +-10% schwankt ist mir herzlich egal und 90% der Menschen in diesem Land auch.

    Interessant ist, dass die griechische Linke zwei mal als radikal bezeichnet wurde. Dabei ist radikal eigentlich etwas positives

    »das Bestreben, gesellschaftliche und politische Probleme „an der Wurzel“ anzugreifen und von dort aus möglichst umfassend, vollständig und nachhaltig zu lösen.«

  2. Apropos Realsatire: Hier ein Zitat aus dem verlinkten Spiegel-Artikel von Westerwelle: “Wir rufen jetzt die Verantwortlichen in Griechenland auf, schnell für stabile Verhältnisse zu sorgen und dafür, dass eine Regierung der Vernunft gebildet werden kann.”

    Diese beschriebene Vernunft hat uns da hin geführt wo wir sind und wird Europa in’s Verderben stürzen.

    Am 16. — 19. Mai sollen in Frankfurt breite Proteste gegen diese ›Vernunft‹ stattfinden. Sind natürlich in unserer sog. Demokratie alle verboten:

  3. Jaaaah, liebe Griechen zeigt der Finanzmafia und diesen Psychos und Dackeln mal ordentlich den Mittelfinger ELEUTHERIA E THANATOS


    Naja, am Ende setzen sich wieder die ARschlöcher durch, aber ich freu mich immer wenn sich DIE DA OBEN a bissl ärgern :D

  4. @ Der Typ
    Ach Mensch... DIE DA OBEN ein bisschen zu ärgern ist ja ganz nett, mir aber erstens zu wenig und zweitens lässts sich prima feixen, wenn man die Gegner aus der hintersten Reihe anfeuern kann, ohne selbst ins Kreuzfeuer zu geraten. Die Griechen sollen’s richten, na klar. Dann hat man auch ganz schnell einen »Schuldigen« parat, wenn der gewünschte persönliche Spaß dann doch nicht stattfinden sollte?

  5. Ohhh....
    Die Börsen brechen ein....
    Das, — wird’s sein.
    (Reimt sich sogar)

    Ich liebe den Spiegel.
    Gibt es einen besseren Spiegel :-))))

  6. @Frau Lehmann:

    Haschu Problem odda was?? ;)

    Ruuuhig Braune, man wird sich doch wohl mit den Griechen und den Franzosen (und allen anderen) solidarisch erklären dürfen, oder wie oder was?
    Die Griechen werden gar nichts richten, es wird über kurz so weiter gehen und über lang wird das ganze System in sich — hoffentlich — zusammenkrachen...
    Bis dahin ist ein langer Weg und ich werde den Teufel tun die Schadenfreude über die ersten RISSE dieses Systems bzw. dessen Fassade zu verbergen

    An Schuld glaub ich auch nicht, weil das setzt einen freien Willen voraus, den es ja nicht gibt.

    Sonst noch Fragen, Probleme, ARschtritte??


  7. @ Der Typ
    Keine Probleme. Auch vorher war das kein Problem für mich. Sorry, wenn ich dir auf die Füße getreten sein sollte.

  8. Klar die Propaganda läuft auch Hochtouren. In Deutschland hat sich nichts geändert, es werden halt mehr zivile Produkte produziert. Mehr kreative Bürger treten ins Rampenlicht, das ist positiv.

    Radikal ist etwas positives ... eine radikale Lösung packt das Übel bei der Wurzel. Die Griechen wollen ihre Ruhe, verständlich, aber es sind deren noch genug. Auch dort, Politik ist Schauspiel, aber überall auf der Welt. Aber der Arbeitskraft deren Talent wurde verschleudert, ... denen gefällt das teils, aber die meisten denken sich ihren Teil.

    Bei uns in .at gibt es auch so Töne — die Griechen hätten sich zu fügen — zwar die Finanzministerin, aber gut ... nicht das erste Mal aufgefallen die Dame mit einem etwas schlichten Zugang. Unpraktisch halt, passt nicht ins Puppenhaus Europa die Realität.

    Dass die griechische Töne im der Politik nicht passen, die Finanzindustrie fürchtet um nichts, die Bürger brauchen sich auch um nichts zu fürchten, wir haben mit dem Finanzsystem eh einen Deal am laufen, aber die Politik die hat eine Existenzkrise, kein Wunder, wer braucht die? Politik ist ja nicht der Staat. Bei dem ganzen Zirkus geht es zu 95% um den Überlebenskampf der sich bereichernden Politiker in .de im speziellen und in Europa genauso.

    Ich würde manchen Fließendes Geld und dann zu den Bankern gehen und sagen, so und jetzt habt ihr 200 Jahre Zeit bringt jedes Jahr 5% Zinsen :), das ist das selbe wie mit dem Wachstum in der Realwirtschft — es geht nicht ewig und beim Fließenden Geld gibt es keine Zinsen bestenfalls eine Umlaufgebühr, aber das sagen wir denen nicht. Selbes Spiel nur umgekehrt.

    Ich sehe das anders. Die Griechen sollen sich organisieren wie sie wollen und ihre Wirtschaft organisieren wie sie glauben, mit oder ohne Euro Raum. Man kann die Sache ja auch anders sehen, ein paar Milliarden Menschen passen nicht in die sog. westliche Welt, warum auch? Ist das so toll.

    Die Industriegesellschaft und der unselbstständig Erwerbstätige als Konzept gehen den Bach runter, das ist ein Teil des Paradigmenwechsel. Alternativlos und unausweichlich. Industrie war eh immer eher ein notwendiges Übel. Blöd für Industriegesellschaften. Bevor etwas vergeht kehrt es wieder in den Ursprung zurück in die ersten Tage der Industrialisierung, so sehe ich den Prozess im Moment.

    You act like a gambler, playing games you can’t win. (Axel Rudi Pell, Cold Heaven)

  9. American academic book publisher John Wiley & Sons is a C.I.A. spy contractor

    U.S. academic book publisher John Wiley & Sons spies [not only] on employees w/ C.I.A. methods; Wiley Inc. board of directors’ covers up the corporate misconduct of the spy merchant cum science publisher John Wiley & Sons!

    The criminal versatile John Wiley & Sons publishing empire is violating the right to privacy in the workplace under U.S. Constitution’s 4th Amendment as well as Chinese and EU privacy laws.

    John Wiley & Sons (SOPA, PIPA and ACTA shark) commits felonies by secretly listening on employee conversations at the workplace. John Wiley & Sons culture is a fang-out, snoop-snoop-snoop and mobbing culture. This nightmare is aided and abetted by Chairman Peter Booth Wiley and his entourage, who engage vulnerable employees in the literary equivalent of trench warfare. The smoldering banality of evil by Chairman Peter Booth Wiley creates a ridiculous public-relations disaster for himself and ruinous consequences for untrustworthy John Wiley & Sons.

    John Wiley & Sons treats his national and international subsidiaries like sweatshops. The once unimaginable magnitude of information John Wiley & Sons has available about each of its employees for discriminatory practices is enough to create digital Doppelgangers of their employees.

    Short of a stop-and-frisk-program, Chairman Peter Booth Wiley’s blanket surveillance treats law-abiding employees as suspects. He is inflicting intolerable misery upon all John Wiley & Sons employees’ by bullying and harassing them with secretly obtained information. His cruelty is embedded in America’s working environment and the violent U.S. society as a whole.

    Secret surveillance is the message of Chairman Peter Booth Wiley’s printing-press.

    Private spy companies such as SPOKEO, FACTUAL and STRATFOR, so-called data-specialists, are identifying every fact and rumor in the world of an employee, to find patterns in employees for John Wiley & Sons to observe and to exploit. The intrusive frisking by underground contract spies, all John Wiley & Sons’ men, involves soul-theft and the surveillance of:

    Employee’s home life;
    Bedroom snooping includes sexual preferences, deviations deemed ’unhealthy’ by John Wiley & Sons puritans, divorces and if female employees had or were seeking an abortion;
    Political activities as civil rights activists; socialist political leanings;
    Race surveillance of Muslim and Arab employees;
    Fingerprints from overseas employees;
    Friends, enemies or any failings;
    Bank accounts;
    Pressing needs for money;
    Email contents;
    The entire job history;
    In which year employees bought (or lost) a house;
    Computer communications such as what employees do on social networks and what they talk about;
    When and where they exercise;
    What books or magazines employees read;
    What brand of coffee they drink and dieting habits;
    If employees ever declared bankruptcy;
    Traffic tickets and how many cars their employees have;
    If taking pills for recreational purposes lead to criminal activity of employees;
    Medical records indicating a depression or addiction history of employees;
    Public library records.

    After stealing the secrets of its employees, John Wiley & Sons predictive analytics team makes sense of the demographic data to figure out how John Wiley & Sons employees might think and behave and to hire and fire or demote and promote.

    In America, trade unions engaged in the protection of employee rights are considered as un-American. But American corporations have the right under the First Amendment to express their political point of view just like human beings. John Wiley & Sons only point of view is to produce wealth for its shareholders, regardless of social consequences.

    Chairman Peter Booth Wiley subscribes 100 percent to the theory that all John Wiley & Sons’ employees are putting him in imminent physical danger: »I have this information put together as soon as we acquire a new company.« »…That’s in violation of the privacy laws but improves our security...« the compulsive talker was blurting out as answer to my questions about of John Wiley & Sons breaking the law.

    The mentality of Chairman Peter Booth Wiley is that he shoots first, and then says: It looked like he had a gun! Chairman Peter Booth Wiley can and will shoot and kill anyone by whom he feels threatened.

    John Wiley & Sons snooping is pretty much in line with IKEA’s snooping on its employees in France.

    There are no laws in the U.S. to tell employees what information John Wiley & Sons has bought about them – and the Espionazis at John Wiley & Sons have no shame using the flood tide of spy-data.

    That is what Chairman Peter Booth Wiley called John Wiley & Sons’ ‘world order’.

    According to Chairman-third-rate Peter Booth Wiley, the level of distrust between John Wiley & Sons’ employees and John Wiley & Sons’ shareholders, board of directors and management has become so corrosive that it is becoming openly antagonistic.

    To write my strange memoir about criminal secrets, I worked for eighteen months at John Wiley & Sons’ San Francisco archive, located in Chairman Peter Booth Wiley’s office. During the act of arranging facts for John Wiley & Sons 200th anniversary book, I have actually uncovered an unexpected better story than the by-the-numbers retrospective of a publisher.

    After eighteen months of improvised and surprising interviews with Chairman Peter Booth Wiley, the quotes from him were a big pile of unorganized papers in a shoe-box containing only my hand-scribbled notes. As editor I was not only participant in reconstructing and the artful arrangement of the conversations, its perverse drama of unwanted soap opera homo-sex (there was no DSK-button in his office) and the Chairman’s alcoholism, but also commentator to turn John Wiley & Sons’ ugly history into sophisticated literary journalism. I selectively report word by word what I had penciled down during the intimate ‘interviews’, in which he had a penchant for screaming at me.

    To better deal w/ Chairman Peter Booth Wiley’s monologues I gave his words satirical interpretations and use the method of dramatizing and narrating by being as creative as I want to be! My character sketches and sarcastic undertones fall under the protection of the First Amendment. It’s a new kind of investigative journalism, where obsolete rules where thrown out and an intermediate standard for publishing was used. Why? The quotes from Chairman Peter Booth Wiley and the intrusive nature of what I am telling do not lend themselves to firm corroboration, although every single thing in my investigation is plausible. It is my, the investigative citizen journalists’ fundamental job to make what is true believable!

    Accused also of sexual male employee abuse, the position of Chairman Peter Booth Wiley is: drag me to court, admit nothing, deny everything, lie without censure, make bogus counteraccusations and put restrictions on the freedom of my speech.

    The self-proclaimed “fifth and sixth” Wiley generations at John Wiley & Sons were hunting — unprecedented — for in-house employee dissidents at John Wiley & Sons’ NYC offices in the 1960s. The faux “fifth and sixth” Wiley generations performed illegal warrantless searches of homes and offices. »I secretly searched through offices; my daddy had a contractor monitor homes when necessary«. Daddy W. Bradford Wiley was blessed with social-Darwinist brutishness; yet he became paranoid about his stock grubbing critics among John Wiley & Sons employees.


    »My daddy’s branch of the family was so far removed from the line of inheritance [at John Wiley & Sons Inc.] that all he got was the name Wiley« said the privileged son of an unprivileged son while crossing and re-crossing his legs. Daddy Wiley’s attachment to the heirs of John Wiley & Sons was not ‘real’, theirs was not his blood; he was a model of semi-self-creation.

    With attention to detailed background checks and mining mountains of facts, this is also the story of Langley’s “Intelligence Outsourcing”, where anything goes. Under Allan Dulles, a group of career spies took control through bribery and subversion of fifty U.S. news organizations and a dozen publishing houses. At textbook publisher John Wiley & Sons they installed as Trojan horse namesake Daddy W. Bradford Wiley to run the John Wiley & Sons C.I.A.-coup. What a name can do for C.I.A. espionage contractor Wiley Inc.

    In the secret world of C.I.A. spies for hire, what is Daddy W. Bradford Wiley’s identity? Forgery? A double?

    Imposter/interloper Daddy W. Bradford Wiley invented his own genealogy and made a great fortune with it. Acting as a real ‘Wiley’, he set up a new chain of command and installed C.I.A. spies at John Wiley & Sons for the sole purpose of stealing research from John Wiley & Sons worldwide university clients. The program took its beginning in the political climate of the escalating American war in Vietnam.

    The C.I.A. espionage unit within John Wiley & Sons is known for its media strategy to say “no comment” in three dozen languages. In order to stay in the spy-business and to protect Chairman Peter Booth Wiley’s ill-gotten spy-money in a safe and untouchable offshore bank, C.I.A. espionage troopers such as corrupt John Wiley & Sons Inc. are NOT SUBJECT to America’s Freedom of Information Act FOIA. The C.I.A. will simply refuse to confirm or deny the existence of the John Wiley & Sons university spy records, just as the C.I.A. shields torture and rendition of terrorism suspects.

    An obscure 35-year-old judicial doctrine called Glomar allows the C.I.A. to block all congressional and public inquiries into John Wiley & Sons’ spy tools, the secret files, the budget, the number of cloak-and-dagger agents and the entire power structure of the John Wiley & Sons $hadow Company, a ‘valued asset’ for the C.I.A. and the recipient of a vast, green stream of dollars from a cold blooded U.S. government with very special interests.

    What is John Wiley & Sons going to say to its readers when they ask, Wiley Inc., why did you steal our research results?

    Peter Booth Wiley is engaged in witch hunts against opponents. »We will wipe anybody off the campus-map who is threatening the global interests of the United States«. Chairman Peter Booth Wiley’s message is clear: You are doomed if you don’t believe those who threaten to wipe you out. »My Daddy served his presidents on every continent«. Will academic book buyers shake an angry finger in the ugly American face? »Our overseas work took off during the Vietnam War when we began to watch students around the world who were opposed to the war« explained the right-wing activist Chairman Peter Booth Wiley his culture of fear.

    Daddy Wiley’s provenance was New Jersey, where he had grown up in a rural two-room house with concrete walls and an outdoor latrine shared with a trailer-park next door – in a ghetto of white poverty pathology. But power-hungry ‘Jackpot Daddy’ would expertly and efficiently enriched himself in Glimmerglass New York City with twenty percent of John Wiley & Sons shares, which he grabbed [with a little help from Uncle Sam] from legitimate John Wiley & Sons Inc. shareholders. These were Daddy P.W.T. [Poor White Trash] Wiley’s high-times of cream and dumplings, stealthy expanding his power — while shamelessly breaking wind.

    Crime pays fabulously in America!

    This mundane reality explains why ‘Daddy Wiley’, before his forced retirement, was beggaring the career chances of John Wiley & Sons’ key employees with fat dossiers. »Our employee monitoring system pays instant results up to this day were we use more sophisticated methods«. John Wiley & Sons has become a human-rights crushing industrial publishing machine, smearing opponents and silencing dissenters.

    With serious educational deficits, Chairman Peter Booth Wiley and his low-IQ siblings are not the cream of educated society. Besides being ‘out of the labor force’, the best low-skill service job Peter Booth Wiley ever a got on his own was as a ‘less-than-full-time’ taxi driver. The Wiley siblings’ stupidity is not staged. Daddy Wiley, for good reasons, had explicitly forbidden his two sons to work at John Wiley & Sons!

    Due to intemperance running amok in his family, Taxi-driver, Inheritor, Chairman, Spy Peter Booth Wiley is used to being kicked in the shins.

    One of his siblings [the “fourth of three siblings”] is a degenerated idiot and was kicked out from college, because failure for him is not only an option but a habit. Do Nothings and Know Nothings Bradford Wiley II is unable to compose a comprehensible sentence. Befitting for a lunatic member on the very, very sick board of directors at John Wiley & Sons, Bradford Wiley II writing skills are at the low end of public-school curriculum; his trembling hand produces scores of misspellings – unless, for example, he signs with an X.

    Feebleminded childless sibling/director Bradford Wiley II was eligible for America’s Eugenic Board involuntary sterilization program, where genetic engineering was applied between the years 1933 [when Hitler came to power in Germany; he abdicated w/ a bullet to the head in 1945] and 1977. America’s ‘Human Betterment League’ of wealthy businessmen such as ‘Daddy Wiley’ financed the eugenics program and 70 percent of the inhumane sterilizations took place after 1945.

    Each time one opens a John Wiley & Sons’ textbook one can hear the old creak of the eugenics internment camp gates.

    The other two fertile Wiley brother/sister academic Wunderkinder [the Chairman suffers from nocturnal emissions] of rather low mentality [the I.Q. of Deborah Wiley’s son reverses discredited I.Q. hereditarianism] were left unfairly behind by »rising academic standards« and graduated only because of the generous donations made by their »Daddy«. In short, they are all blissfully detached from academic standards.

    In fact, the Wiley siblings are so demented they cannot figure out how in the world they got to be six hundred million dollars worth. How rich is intellectual dead-ender Peter Booth Wiley? In the cock-fighting circles of California’s Anderson Valley, where the landed cock-man finds entertainment, blood-sport lover Peter Booth Wiley can afford to bet money for animal blood, for crying out loud.

    For Peter Booth Wiley dollars mean more than to the meanest whore. He is craving for ever more money with the eyes of a herring on ice and submits even fake travel-expense bills. And if he could just dress properly, he would not wear pimp suits and fasten his French cuffs with safety pins.

    The intruder Wiley clan is now entrenched at John Wiley & Sons’ board of directors, but John Wiley & Sons’ employees around the world can affect — how to put it — the quality of stay for the “sixth” Wiley generation at John Wiley & Sons.

    If you don’t look closely you might confuse one name with the other, perhaps even confuse the role-playing Wiley with the other real Wiley. The Wiley country-bums [Bootleggers for Generations] from a bad place in New Jersey were namesakes to the New Yorker publishing family Wiley [Knowledge for Generations].

    According to straw-man Chairman Peter Booth Wiley, the reason why the bootlegger Wiley clan was able to grab & keep control of the publisher John Wiley & Sons lies in the bootlegger family’s “small gene pool”. Or shall we say the bootlegger Wiley clan is the unlucky winner in the genetic lottery for an extremely “small gene pool”? Certainly there is a moral leprosy built into the DNA of the bootlegger Wiley clan. Although the Chairman never mentioned incest for the “small gene pool” of his bootlegger clan, he didn’t rule it out!

    No greater fools ever came, and two generations of bootlegger Wiley imbeciles masquerading as publishing heirs on John Wiley & Sons’ board of directors are enough to leave Wiley Inc. with a big disgusting credibility gap.

    Get lost, you poor Bling-Bling idiots!

    But that is not all: »My ancestors were British royals« said the uncrowned king of role-players and pointed to some drawings of ‘royals’ on the walls of his San Francisco home. The aging paranoid Chairman wants out of his inferior criminal underclass identity. What he wants is a fake entrée into aristocracy and piggyback on royals. Or did Chairman Peter Booth Wiley mistake his bootlegger family tree with the restroom doors in Disneyland royally marked ‘Prince‘ and ‘Princess‘?

    The unmasked Wiley country bums originated from old convict stock which England threw into America in the 17th century.

    There you have it, the truth about the Wiley inventors of their own genealogy.

    Chairman-wannabe-royal Peter Booth Wiley was dragged up by rude, unpleasant, psychopathic parents of criminal origins — so let’s just say faux royals! Peter Booth Wiley might be as p.e.r.v.e.r.s.e as some British royals, but this is as far as royal British relations go. Maybe Peter Booth Wiley, the pinstriped effluence from an ex-bootlegger family, had a royal s.y.p.h.i.l.i.s? Signaling the depth of his longings for a blue-blooded ancestry, Chairman Peter Booth Wiley, who smelled vaguely fishy [although he is using fart spray for deodorant], scratched his from blue h.e.m.o.r.r.h.o.i.d.s ridden royal rear end with a long sigh of relief again and again and again!

    Anyone can be blue blooded in un-exceptional America.

    That’s America’s exceptionalism!

    Book readers, take the gloves off and punish the snoop-snoop-snoop perpetrators at John Wiley & Sons.

    Throw a monkey-wrench with ballistic ferocity into their Gutenberg press.

    Bring me the scalp of C.I.A. contractor John Wiley & Sons!

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